With St Matthew's Chapel, Sir Lowry's Pass and Vergelegen Farm
Parish Council 2022

Andrew Brown
082 480 2667
Ron-O-Vic Charles
060 440 6966
Gillian Hartman
072 063 2500
David Muller
084 556 3594
Melvin Arendse
Lee Ann du Plooy
Osvin Muller
Andrew Ribbans
Greg Thomas
Lesley Wessels
Task Teams
For practical purposes, the Parish Council is divided into three Task Teams. Please contact the members of these groups if you wish to get involved in the work that they do. Please refer to the page Ministries and Organisations to see where you might wish to offer your gifts and talents.
Finance and Communication
We are seeking ways to communicate better and strengthen the ties between our members, in particular by using social media channels, operating electronic screens during worship and improving the signage outside the Church. Contact Andrew Brown 082 480 2667 or apbrown1509@gmail.com
We are exploring ways of putting our Vision and Mission into action through focus months, house groups, environmental issues, prayer ministry, worship, evangelism and stewardship.
Caritas (Social Responsibility)
We are called to discover, develop and sustain people’s talents and help to support those who are side-lined in our broken world, by prioritising visiting retirement homes, providing transport for the aged, poor relief as well as educational/career guidance and social issues such as gender-based violence.
The way we relate to each other and enjoy fellowship is crucial to our life as a Parish. We are keen to forge much closer links with St Matthew's and Vergelegen, through developing men's groups, social events and enhancing hospitality after services.