With St Matthew's Chapel, Sir Lowry's Pass and Vergelegen Farm
Ministries and

All Enquiries
Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals
Taryn Erasmus (Parish Administrator)
021 851 7043
Altar Servers Guild
Servers, acolytes, crucifers and thurifers
Ivan Bester
082 482 7353
Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday after the morning service
Bez van der Merwe (Parish Office)
021 851 7044
Brass Cleaners
Help to keep our brass in top condition
Bez van der Merwe (Parish Office)
021 851 7043
Assist with outreach and social responsibility
in our community
Odette Adams
079 528 2353
Diane Arendse
082 049 9535
Noelene Christians
083 395 2058
The choir sings most Sundays at the 08:30 service
and rehearses on Thursdays at 18:00
Terry Weyer
083 463 4946
Eats at Eight
Help provide refreshments after the 07:00 service
on the second Sunday of the month
Bez van der Merwe (Parish Office)
021 851 7043
Flower Guild
Help to decorate the Church for worship
Anthea Dramat
083 381 7074
Volunteer to assist in maintaining our property
and the Garden of Remembrance
Bez van der Merwe (Parish Office)
021 851 7043
House Churches
Join one of our Life Groups
that meet in all areas of the Parish
Bez van der Merwe (Parish Office)
021 851 7043
Offer a prayer ministry in the side chapel
during Sunday communion
Fr Anthony Castleden
083 655 2077
Junior Church / Sunday School
The children meet in the hall during the 08:30 service
in term time - volunteer to help teach our young people
Isabelle Weyer
083 390 7032
Lay Ministers
Serve in the sanctuary
after appropriate training and licencing
Nigel Hartman
082 415 3576
Develop and distribute our resources of
printed and electronic media
Liz Castleden
082 374 3965
Operate the data screens during worship and
help to keep our social media channels up to date
Andrew Brown
082 480 2667
Money counting and banking
Become part of the team
Jenny Findlay
082 901 2636
Patty Gordon
073 509 9259
Mothers' Union
A global organisation that supports family life
Jane Leonard
079 011 1562
Bring the elements up to the altar in procession
Bez van der Merwe (Parish Office)
021 851 7043
Planned Giving
Tithing is a Biblical imperative that
supports the work of the Church
Judy Muller
082 940 0782
Taryn Erasmus (Parish Administrator)
021 851 7043
Prayer Ministry
Intercessors offer prayer support in the
side chapel during Sunday communion
Fr Anthony Castleden
083 655 2077
Prayer Meeting
Join us every Tuesday at 07:30
to pray for the needs of the Parish
Charmian Le Feuvre
082 807 7999
Prayer Chain
Join a network of prayer warriors who pray
at a time and place convenient to them
Lesley Moolman
072 527 3726
Read from Scripture during services
in both English and Afrikaans
Sharon Buckton
082 776 3464
Prepare the altar for services
and care for vestments
Elaine Delport
084 240 1408
Prepare the church for worship, greet parishioners
and help with seating and collection
Judy Muller
082 940 0782
St Joseph's Guild
Help maintain the infrastructure
of our properties
Will Mackay
083 226 9885
Tea at Ten
Help provide refreshments after the family service
on the second Sunday of the month
Bez van der Merwe (Parish Office)
021 851 7043
Welcome Teams
Greet people at the doors
and supply them with a name-tag
Liz Castleden
082 374 3965
If you are between the ages of 16 and 25,
join us on the first and third Friday evenings
of the month from 18:30 - 21:00
Ron-O-Vic Charles
060 440 6966