With St Matthew's Chapel, Sir Lowry's Pass and Vergelegen Farm
Small Saints Pre-Primary
Small Saints Pre-Primary School was established in 1990s by the Church Council of All Saints Anglican Church as an outreach program. Initially it operated purely from funding provided by All Saints, but it soon became evident that All Saints could not sustain the level of funding with enough consistency to maintain Small Saints in the long run and still support all the other church commitments. It was decided that Small Saints needed to become as self-sufficient as possible in order for it to survive the long term, while adhering to the objective of providing the local community with a good, Christian, but extremely affordable pre-primary education.
This proposal was implemented and Small Saints is now able to cover most of its costs through fees and fundraising. There are, on average, sixty learners at Small Saints. It is now also registered with the Department of Education and receives a small subsidy for each Grade R pupil. The Grade R pupils make up at least half of the number of pupils in the school. However a large part of the successful formula is that the facilities and part of the spiritual input are provided free of charge by All Saints. Also, much of the administration of the finances has been done free of charge by generous volunteers.
Small Saints, apart from providing pre-primary education for the community, also provides between 6 and 7 employment positions.
In order to protect the future interests of both parties a formal agreement was necessary. This has been put in place and was signed by representatives from both parties.
Small Saints operates under the same mandate that was in place when it was founded. All Saints Church is ultimately responsible for Small Saints Pre-primary School and its operations are still overseen by two members of the All Saints congregation and another outside party who generously gives his time for free to maintain our financial records. The same parties have been carrying this responsibility for more than 20 years.
It is now necessary to plan for succession of the current leadership in order to ensure the future success of Small Saints.
Contact Us
Dorette Schutte (Principal)
072 404 1594